NSW and Shoalhaven Cases Analysis as of 17th December 2020

NSW Total Cases
New data published for the last 4 days, 3 locally acquired cases in the Sydney Northern Beaches 
NSW Cases by Day
18 locally acquired case reported in the last 4 days; from a total of 35 cases (only 17 overseas acquired, less than half)
NSW Cases by Area
Cases reported last 4 days from: Northern Beaches  18, Overseas 5, Canterbury-Bankstown  3, North Sydney  3, Sydney  2, Randwick  2, Georges River  1, The Hills Shire  1.
"(blank)" in the area is used to identify "Overseas" cases
NSW Trends of the "Hotspot" LGAs (the areas to avoid!)
Overseas acquired cases account for more than 10x the cases identified in any LGA
Big spike in the Northern Beaches LGA due to the outbreak of local transmission there
One new case reported in the Shoalhaven LGA on 13th Dec - The virus was acquired overseas